Sleeveless Blazer or Long Vest

Hey Chic Baes,

Outfit Deets: Sleeveless Blazer - Target (old) | Blosuse - H&M | Jeans - Oldnavy 
Loafers - DSW | Bag - It’s Fashion Metro

Are you into the sleeveless blazer/long vest trend? These pieces aren’t a new trend, but popular ones.
So while I was researching the two, I found the main difference between them….the collar. Sleeveless blazers are just that a blazer with no sleeves, but the collar remains. Some people say it’s the same thing and I guess it could be considered that. Many people say “sleeveless blazer vest” as opposed to separating the two. I’ve even heard the term “maxi blazer”, which is kind of cool. I guess it’s all in your preference. For this look I suppose it could be considered that I am wearing a long vest. I think I may prefer the term sleeveless blazer still. What say you?


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Hi, I'm Demita affectionately known to all my friends and family as "Bambi." Lover of stylish threads, home interior, & good wine or anything that will help me maintain my CHIC!

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